Bill Evans
Business Manager, Sales, Marketing and Public Relations
Agriculture Industry
Bill comes from an extensive farming background which included dairy, cropping, beef and sheep.
Transport With more than 25 years experience in the transport Industry Bill has expert knowledge in the logistical movement of products. With 18 years of Training Adults and writing training courses in the field of Transport and other professional activities gives Bill a sound grounding in business eg:
- Warehousing
- Driver Training
- Transport Administration
- Dangerous Goods
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Train the Trainer
- Assessor Trainer
- Green House Effect (Care for the Environment)
- Sales & Marketing
- Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training
- Consultant to WorkCover, Vic Roads and Transport Training Victoria in an advisory role .
Product Development
Has been an area of expertise for the last 8 years with a major Australian Company, the R&D being a strength in many different fields including Olives.
Business Manager Bill has Managed a small business for the last 12 years with great success and is still currently holding that role while persuing other business intrests.
Other Qualifications
Associate Diploma in Training and Development
Vocational Training Level 1
Workplace Trainer/Assessor Level II
Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training
Diploma of International Business
Bachelor of Arts in the field of Education