Peter Cullen
Agriculture and Production Manager

Peter's Expertise lies with 30 years agriculture and agri business experience. Coming from a farming family background, Peter has farmed all of his life in the Southern Riverina , starting as a jackeroo, then property manager, followed by sharefarming and contracting. Peter operated his own contracting business both in harvest (rice and oil seed) and land forming, irrigation design/layout. Peter and Jennie purchased their first property at Tocumwal in 1985 where they grow rice and run cattle.

Tocumwal AG Diesel, a Company which Peter & Jennie Cullen own supplies irrigation equipment, specialized horticultural equipment, and the engineering arm manufactures a range of small agricultural equipment (Front end loaders, pump packs, power packs slachers etc). They also supply sprinkler systems, vine and tree guards/equipment, to both vinyards and olive groves. Peter is also the eastern states representitive for "A & A Holdings", importers and distributors of innovative horticultural equipment. Peter studied agriculture for 3 years and is a qualified welder with a vast experience in agri engineering.


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